
Showing posts from October, 2021

Okay reflection

Today in class I read some pages of the book were reading to finish my summary paper. I didn't understand what was going on in the beginning because it started in the middle. I wrote facts from every page and put and I'm going to put them together when I start writing the summary. I wasn't feeling very chatty today so I stayed to myself. All in all class was okay.

Wild One Pager


Break reflection

 Today in class we worked on our one pager assignment. Thankfully I got a lot of it done and was provided extra time. I don't really have much to say about today's class. I think it was okay, I didn't really say much today. This class is actual more stressful then I thought it would be. The Galileo website doesn't work outside the school building unless you know the password, so I'll just have another fat 0% in the grade book. I just need a break.

Life Update Reflection

 In class today went over the questions we had for homework. I didn't really talk much in class today because I wasn't really feeling that well. My life is starting to become a "drag". I just go to school and work everyday, of every week, of every month. It just seems like I don't really get to have any fun. Everything in my life is becoming repetitive and boring, and it's becoming a little depressing. A lot of people are leaving my life as well. I know you have to lose things to get thing, but things are leaving way to fast and not coming back as fast as they left. I don't really feel like myself anymore or really feel great at all. I've been trying to find ways to increase my mood but it's not working that well. I feel like I should try to bask in this feeling instead of trying to run away from it and make it better so quickly. This could maybe get me to have a better understanding of why I feel this way.

One sentence summary reflection

 Today we read "More Than a Walk in The park". The passage was about a couple that decided to go on a thru-hike and loved it so much they made it part of their careers.

10 sources reflection

 Today in class Mr.Rease gave us time to complete our ten sources assignment for our essay research project. I feel our topic is pretty difficult to find information on because it's about border control and immigration and if the USBP is effective. Wish we got other topics like sex education or parenting skills those would have been so much easier. Most of our group not showing up half of the time also doesn't help with the situation on the topic not being that great. Even thought we've finished our prompt and have an essay question, the topic of immigration and border control is still very broad in my opinion. 

No school reflection

Today I didn't come to school today for personal reasons. I really didn't do much at home either. My mother and I went to the beauty supply to get some hair for a style I'm suppose to do on her soon. I was considering doing my hair today for picture day tomorrow but I cut my braids and decided not to. Most of the time when I'm about to change my hair I start to second guess myself then don't do it. That happens especially when I cut my hair. When we got back from the hair store I came home and made some pictures and videos to post on my Instagram. My WiFi hasn't been the best lately so I've been having a little bit of a hard time getting my assignments done. I ended up taking a 3 hour name because I'm WiFi wasn't working to do any work XD. All my cellular data is gone, well 85% of it xD  I really can't caught a break at this house. When I woke up the WiFi STILL WASN'T WORKINGGGG!!! I'm surprised this blog even got done.

College Reflection

 Today in class we went over chapter 1 of the wild. Over the weekend we were directed to read 13 pages each day of wild. I had work both days, from 9 to 7 at night, luckily I read most of the book Friday. The test was not difficult, I think I made a mistake on one question that asked about what type of cancer Cheryl mom had. I believe I put liver instead of lung “>_< Natalya you had one job” While we were reviewing I was looking up one of the colleges that sent me an interest letter, Xavier University. Xavier is located in Ohio and is keen on religion. While researching the Xavier in Ohio I came across another university with the same name in Louisiana. That college seems cool and is considered more of an HBCU, which is great. While on the topic of college I didn’t know that there were so many things you could major in. I feel that if people knew all the thinks they could major they would be more likely to go to college. When I saw all the majors I could do it slightly changed my

W r i t e a b o u t s o m e t h i n g / s o m e o n e b e i n g b o r n .

My cousin was born in March of 2019. When he was born I felt like I had gained a new sense of responsibility to take care of him. When he was younger and I use to visit he got really attached to me. This left me felling really bad because a lot of the thinking he wanted to be I was not interested in. He reminds me of myself because growing up I was the younger cousin that was to young to do anything. I hope he grows up feeling like his childhood was great.

W r i t e a b o u t a q u e s t i o n y o u w i s h e d y o u ’ d a s k e d .

 I wish I asked my aunt about a lot of the spiritual questions I have for her now. Unfortunately, she passed away before I had the chance. After she past my mother told me about how spiritual she was and how she use to see spirits. I wish I could have had a good conversation about it and ask all the question that I have now developed after her death. I also realized we could have become way closer than we were when she was alive.

W r i t e a b o u t s o m e t h i n g t h a t d o e s n ’ t g e t b e t t e r .

 Something that is never going to get better is the earth. I know there are lots of people that are actively trying to save it. People plant trees, recycle, try to deduce their carbon foot print, and go to beach cleanups to attempt to save the ocean, which is great, but there are also doubled amount of people that don't care the earth is dying. There are companies that thrive off of destroying the earth with factories, and dumping waste in the ocean. Carbon is so easy to put into the earth that no one really can stop the growth of it. People smoke cigarettes, cause fires, even cows contribute to putting carbon in the air. XD  I don't see how we can reverse the damage we've done especially because the world is evolving in a way that promotes destroying it.

W r i t e a b o u t s o m e o n e y o u f o r g o t .

 I can't really say that I forgot anyone because I'm remembering now. I do have a few people that are now coming to the front of my brain after sitting to think. I had a friend named Taleah and she was one of my very best friends in when I was younger. When I think back on her I feel that I took her for granted. I know  I would love to have a friend like her now. I think I held a lot of other friends higher than her even though she treated me better than they ever could have. Now I don't know where she is and the only think I have to remember her is her old Instagram,  from elementary, that has no pictures of her on it. I wonder how she's doing now.

W r i t e a b o u t w h e n y o u k n e w y o u w e r e i n t r o u b l e .

A time a knew I was in trouble was when I was in elementary school and I got a red card. In elementary I had blue, green, yellow, orange and red cards in my class room. The whole class started on green and if you were extra good that day you moved up to blue. If you were bad you would gradually move down the line of colors. The worst color was red. I don't remember exactly what I did to get on red but when I got home it did not end well. My teacher wrote that I had a red on my behavior sheet, which our parents had to sign everyday. When my dad saw this he repeating asked, "How did you go from green to red, Natalya?", he gladly got louder the more he asked. I already knew what was coming, and it came. :( (To hear the second part you will need parental supervision)

W r i t e a b o u t h a v i n g n o f u n a t a l l .

 Having no fun at all is all dependent on perspective. For example, if a person is focused to go to a party when they wanted to stay home to watch television. A person would likely have more fun at home than at a party because they are uninterested in partying. Another example, is hanging with friend and not feeling included. Hanging with friend seems like a good time, but if you don't feel included it doesn't seem like as much of a fun activity. 

Take a Hike Reflection

 Today lesson was all about hiking. We were informed about three different types of hikes. Our main focus for today's lesson was a thru hike. A thru hike is a hike that lasts from one month to several. They definitely require lots of preparation and experience with hiking. We are also going to start reading a memoir called, "Wild". I'm slightly excited to be reading a book in Mr. Rease class, but I know that his class is the king of making us sleepy. Mr. Rease's  class has lots of characteristics that make you tired, especially while reading a book. The class is always cold, there's nothing around to  entertain you but the students, it's our last class period, and when the book starts to die down at some points the class will be uninterested. I'm excited for this redemption work for the blogs because I haven't been keeping up with doing them constantly. My other classes also have makeup activities. My physics teacher is having an amethyst day tomor