Life Update Reflection

 In class today went over the questions we had for homework. I didn't really talk much in class today because I wasn't really feeling that well. My life is starting to become a "drag". I just go to school and work everyday, of every week, of every month. It just seems like I don't really get to have any fun. Everything in my life is becoming repetitive and boring, and it's becoming a little depressing. A lot of people are leaving my life as well. I know you have to lose things to get thing, but things are leaving way to fast and not coming back as fast as they left. I don't really feel like myself anymore or really feel great at all. I've been trying to find ways to increase my mood but it's not working that well. I feel like I should try to bask in this feeling instead of trying to run away from it and make it better so quickly. This could maybe get me to have a better understanding of why I feel this way.


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