Take a Hike Reflection

 Today lesson was all about hiking. We were informed about three different types of hikes. Our main focus for today's lesson was a thru hike. A thru hike is a hike that lasts from one month to several. They definitely require lots of preparation and experience with hiking. We are also going to start reading a memoir called, "Wild". I'm slightly excited to be reading a book in Mr. Rease class, but I know that his class is the king of making us sleepy. Mr. Rease's  class has lots of characteristics that make you tired, especially while reading a book. The class is always cold, there's nothing around to  entertain you but the students, it's our last class period, and when the book starts to die down at some points the class will be uninterested. I'm excited for this redemption work for the blogs because I haven't been keeping up with doing them constantly. My other classes also have makeup activities. My physics teacher is having an amethyst day tomorrow, my AP History teacher is letting us make up work Thursday and Friday, and my pre-calculus teacher is always considerate with the work we need to turn in. My grades are not terrible but they're not exactly what i want. My goal this year was all A's, and I'm already slipping up. I'm going to have to work way harder in my classes to obtain my goals.


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