W r i t e a b o u t s o m e t h i n g t h a t d o e s n ’ t g e t b e t t e r .

 Something that is never going to get better is the earth. I know there are lots of people that are actively trying to save it. People plant trees, recycle, try to deduce their carbon foot print, and go to beach cleanups to attempt to save the ocean, which is great, but there are also doubled amount of people that don't care the earth is dying. There are companies that thrive off of destroying the earth with factories, and dumping waste in the ocean. Carbon is so easy to put into the earth that no one really can stop the growth of it. People smoke cigarettes, cause fires, even cows contribute to putting carbon in the air. XD  I don't see how we can reverse the damage we've done especially because the world is evolving in a way that promotes destroying it.


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