
Showing posts from March, 2022

90% by the end of the year!!! Reflection

 Today we did our argumentative essay. I think if I had time to actually put all my sentence together than I would have did a good job. The plan was the change all the “you” and “yours” into “one” and “people” but I didn’t have time. You said you were going to bring snacks for us tomorrow and I hope you come through. I do think I could have done a lot better on my essay and I’m not necessarily expecting a high grade. I just wanna get my grade up in this class to at least a 90. So hopefully I can accomplish this by the end of the year. 

Essay reflection

 Today we constructed how to make an argument essay for the essay we have tomorrow. I think I would do a good job. I understand completely how to write an argumentative essay. I need to work on the other two forms of essays that are going to be on the AP test. I don’t really have much to say. I don’t understand why you skip over me every time I raise my hand for something. Very, very RUDEEE!!!!!!!

Group to group reflection

This is what we did in class today. We went from group to group reading prompts and writing claims and evidence for them.   

I will be back tomorrow Reflection

 Today I didn’t come to school because I wasn’t feeling well. I had really bad cramps and was throwing up. I did complete some assignment and get a lot of rest. I went for a walk and ate some fruits when I started feeling better. I will be back tomorrow 

85+2 reflection

 Today in class we had a test. I got an 85+2 on my test. I’m not made at the grade but I wish it was higher. I’m doing really good at doing my blog. I think I did it two weeks straight. The test wasn’t hard or anything, and it was short. I’m ready to go home and sleep. I have lot of work to finish this weekend as well.

My unpopular opinions reflection

 Today in class we picked our own unpopular opinions to write about in class. The two I picked were that “Euphoria was not that good” and “Cheerleading is not a sport”. I think my topics were pretty good. I feel like I had the best one honestly. Class was fun though, I like the debate part of it and people expressing their opinions. I don’t really have much to say about that class. It was a cool day.

Unpopular opinion reflection

 This is what we did today in class…

Nationality v individuality reflection

 Today we looked an an argument regarding individuality and nationality. We had to determine which one is more important and form an argument. I picked nationality/ big apart of something because I believe that it gets more done. We wouldn’t have the freedom that we have now if a large amount of people didn’t fight for it. Imagine if only person fought for our freedom, it wouldn’t have worked. We made three claims and made three points for the claims. That was really all.

Faith or hope reflection

 Today we went over the different regarding faith and hope. Hope is don’t as definite as faith. When we were asked to write things that we were definitely going to happen. I didn’t write anything because I haven’t really been the happiest and I’m unsure of a lot right now. If I wrote anything I felt like I would be lying. We also did the definitions certain and doubt. They are synonyms. I don’t really have much to say about this class.

No school reflection

 Today I didn’t come to school. I missed the bus and didn’t have anyone to take me to school. I did get lots and lots of sleep though, which was nice. I feel like I got a day off. I didn’t complete any work though because I couldn’t get myself to do it. School is just to stressful to mess up a perfectly relaxing day. History and literature are my easiest classes. MY SPANISH TEACHERS DON’T EVEN KNOW SPANISH!!!!!!! >-< … so the class is not the best. The environment in that class is also very dirty, it doesn’t encourage me to was to do anything. My math class is just so HARDDDHFHJDGDJFHH!!!!! LIKE FOR WHATTTTHDHGDJGDUH!!! I don’t remember signing up for AP statistics anyway. I’m just ready for it to be DONE!! On a side note I do have a Maya Angelo quarter, so at least I can flex on the haters XD

Swell reflection

 Today in class we read more of the “Thanks for arguing” book. We also learned new terms like ghastly (insert word here) and slippery slope. Like I’ve said perviously this class is like my “calm after the storm” because my math class is so difficult. My math class is really improving Mr.Rease’s class rating. I like typing notes in this class and I also like the people I was hanging out with in class today as well . Nadia and Kayla are hilarious. (Especially Kayla XD) I had a good class, it got a little shaky when it’s came down to the white stereotypes. Mr. Rease spent like 10mintines explaining how white people wear lotion, like we didn’t all ready know that. Like come on now -_-, we only got to get out one stereotype for that category. All in all class was swell.

Relaxing reflection

 In class we went over a chapter in the book called, control the tense. It helps you strategize how to win an argument. We made a plan to win an argument using a goal, mood, and change. I like taking notes in this class. I think my pervious class is so hectic and hard that just taking notes in this class is relaxing. (Relating to the exit ticket >) I don’t know anything about war so I’m not sure if the U.S would win a war between Russia and China. I just know we have a great army and defenses. 

Cool reflection

 Todays class was pretty cool. We read a New York Bestseller called, thank you for arguing. I actually like it, this was a very easy class. I actually enjoyed writing note today as well. I found out we have a new dismissal routine and I’m amusing it will be ineffective. I don’t think it’s necessarily the smartest plan, but it is inconvenient. This new plan being inconvenient makes me believe that if or when it’s lifted, students will be more appreciative for what they have.

Mic drop reflection

 Today in class we went over the 3 presentations in class. My favorite was the one regarding tiktok. I honestly think it was because I was looking at Thaila the whole time and she’s just so pretty.  She definitely has it going on. The topic was also very easy to discuss and participate in because I have first hand experience with the app. I like how they discussed personal tribulations they had with the app. I was pleased at how the speaker put in their opinion on the subject. I don’t really have any critiques on the presentation or how they presented their topic. I played 8ball twice in this class. I lost one game and won the other, so that was a mutual experience. The last thing I probably want to say is Crack is Wack, and so is the “Don’t say gay” bill. (Mic drop)

Traveling pt.2 reflection

 Sooo… let’s get to the nitty gritty. THE FOOD IS…meh. I’m not from North Carolina, but a lot of the good’t food I have was from there. The sea food in South Carolina is also more fresh. I don’t remember all the places but I went to the ruby slipper: 10/10, buttermilk drop: 9/10, this crawfish place; the worst of them all (I want to give you a 0 but that’s not possible so I give you a 1), Popeyes; it’s literally the same 7/10, Landry: 7/10, and one more place that made us eat in the backyard:4/10. I didn’t have a problem with eating in the backyard, but the food was nasty so… it didn’t give. I expected more out of their seafood. The best seafood we had was at the French market:10/10; which I forgot to mention at the top. We also went to cafe du monde for beignets: 7/10. It was okay, I was expecting it to be sweeter, but it was still good. I did like the art and graffiti that the city was covered in, it was very beautiful. We went on tours and in  museums and learned the history of New

Traveling Reflection

 Tomorrow I’m traveling to New Orleans. The main goal of going is to get some good’t food. My whole family is going even a few from NYC. I just wanna spend time with my family and have a good time. My family always has really good food so my expectations are very high. Hopefully, we can go somewhere and learn about some of its history as well.

Essay reflection

Today we went over our essay. I think I could work on shortening my quote and only adding the most important bits of it. I could have definitely used better rhetorical devices to use get my point across rather than repetition. I definitely didn’t write enough to get a proper score. Instead of letting rhetorical devices come to me, I actively looked for them. I also didn’t write my paragraphs very neatly. I definitely have a lot to improve on.

The yellow wallpaper reflection

 Today we read a book called “the yellow wallpaper” I think. It basically a diary were she constantly refers to the wallpaper. The lady is going insane I think from solitude and her depression from pregnancy. She never got to see her baby much because of the mishaps that may come along with it. I don’t think she is insane, but I think her situation might be making her go crazy. I feel really bad for her, I would what to be in her situation.