No school reflection

 Today I didn’t come to school. I missed the bus and didn’t have anyone to take me to school. I did get lots and lots of sleep though, which was nice. I feel like I got a day off. I didn’t complete any work though because I couldn’t get myself to do it. School is just to stressful to mess up a perfectly relaxing day. History and literature are my easiest classes. MY SPANISH TEACHERS DON’T EVEN KNOW SPANISH!!!!!!! >-< … so the class is not the best. The environment in that class is also very dirty, it doesn’t encourage me to was to do anything. My math class is just so HARDDDHFHJDGDJFHH!!!!! LIKE FOR WHATTTTHDHGDJGDUH!!! I don’t remember signing up for AP statistics anyway. I’m just ready for it to be DONE!! On a side note I do have a Maya Angelo quarter, so at least I can flex on the haters XD


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