
Showing posts from August, 2021

A Nice Reflection p.2

 Today class was really good. We learned about CLAIIMS! There are 3 types of claims that we learned about today: value policy and fact. We went over peoples bell ringers to see which claim that students answers contained. Class flew by pretty fast, I’m surprised it’s the end of the day. There was really no commotion today to talk about. I Think Mr.Rease got tired of me writing terrible blogs about his class xD 

A good reflection :)

 Today was definitely one of our better days in class. There was no arguing, no taking back, no extra work and no disturbances. We learned about argumentative essay format. We wrote notes about using experience, readings and observations to use as reasoning for the evidence we had provided. I’m finally leaving this class HAPPPPYYYY!! This is like one of my bummer classes. My 1st and 3rd period I usually alway leave happy in. My 2nd and 4th are considered my bummer classes, so when I come out of them with a smile on my face, it has to have been a good day :)

Should have been here sooner but, REFLECTION 20 :D

 In class today we took notes on Rhetoric Place. It's describing the rhetoric of a place instead of a passage. We also did an activity about on the board. I feel like I'm understand the work pretty okay. i not exactly confident because it seems like all the definitions are the same -_-, I hope we don't get a test tomorrow.  All in all, i had a good day at school. I got to retake my pre-calculus test after school with (putting myself on blast here) I got a 40 on the first time around. I"m pretty positive this time I got an 100. ("Yah me" in London Tiptons voice)

Exhausted blog

 It’s 12:32 as I’m making this. Today I learned about crisis rhetoric. This class was very boring today. Most of the kids in class feel asleep, so we got a homework assignment. The assignment was pretty difficult but I got it done. I’m feeling very exhausted and ready to go to sleep. I had a good day all in all though.

3:00am reflection

 In class today we went of the different things with at need to be put into an argument. The specific words were, pathos:emotional, logos:logic/facts and ethos:credibility. I feel like I’m my school career I’ve seen these three words like a thousand times. Seems like literature is just a repetition of what we learn before, like it’s only some much that your literature teacher can tell you about writing an essay. What do you even learn in a college literature class, that would benefit you in anyway. This might sound rude, but I really don’t understand it.  

Re • flec • tion

 Today’s class we went over Rhetorical Situation. It was one of those days were you just sit and right note till the bell rings. We had ten extra minutes in class so, we started writing our reflections. Today lesson was very educational, as it should because we’re at school. I didn’t really have a favorite part of class today because, it wasn’t very interesting. This class is actually kind of depressing now that I’m thinking about it, but I’m glad I learned something in this class today. 

A nice reflection

 Today was a good class. We went over group 2 and 4 of the poem activity. We got our chrome books today. They are smaller than the chrome books that we had before. Overall I had a good day in general and really don’t have any complaints. Currently, I am exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open. 

:( / ):

 Today in class we went over a poem. It was kind of difficult to interpret so Mr. Rease just told us what to think and we wrote it on our paper. He also moved our assigned seats, which basically resulted in him moving students from one side of the class to the other. Seems effective, doesn’t it? I’m not judging but >~>. Anyway other than that my day was okay. I’ve been catching up on my anime's now that I’m an OG PROOOO at reading subtitles. I got crunchyroll and added every single anime to my watch list; One Piece, My Hero Academia, HunterXHunter, Haikyu!!, BORUTO, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Naurto Shippuden etc. I feel like a GODDD!!! I HAVE SO MUCH POWERRRRR!!!!! xD I feel like Mr. Facilier, from princess and the frog, you know, before his life went down hill. I feel like I’m never watching dubbed again. Plus I’m on my kdrama tings, so that’s good too. I've been watching a lot of BL lately. I don’t even feel like watching American tv show anymore, I’ve come to far


 Today in class we didn't do very much. We took a vocabulary test, that i scored pretty well on (i got a 90%).  We also took a pre-test for unit one of American Literature. The test wasn't very hard. I answered the questions using the process of elimination , which we learned about this week actually. I'm not going to lie I was like 1 question away from falling asleep during that test. Overall I had a good day. I had a good time at lunch talking to the people at my table. I'm also CONSIDERING doing step. I'm not sure if I will necessarily like it but, it's worth a shot to see if it can become a new interest. If not i'll probably just tryout for cheer in basketball season. Hopefully I'm better at cheer than before xD. I'm not sure why but the first week of school was kind a bummer so i'm really glad that I had a way better week than before. I'm kind of starting to have high expectations for this year so I hope I'm not let down. 

Another reflection :)

 Today’s class was actually better than the others. We went over informal and formal language. It was a pretty easy concept to grasp and could be used in my everyday life. I feel like this was the best day that we actually had in this class. Well, in MY OPINION it was the best class we’ve had so far. Mr. Rease only got mad like 2-3 times today. I saw my analytics for my reflection and 7 people have read them already. What’s that all about? I didn’t know people actually went around reading these. That’s sort of embarrassing >~< Anyway there is not really much to say today so I guess “blog ya tomorrow ”- informal

Reflection p.2

 Today’s class was just as boring as yesterday’s class. The classroom was freezing and it was storming outside so I got extra tired. We read a complex paragraph and answered questions again. On this test I don’t think that I did that well so thank goodness it didn’t count as a grade. I do feel like I have a better understanding of how to use the process of elimination though. Braxton let me try her hot Cheetos with ranch flavoring on it. They were actually really good (Delicioso)! It was like cool ranch and flaming hot had a little baby. I also got a hug from Jaden, she scares me a little bit but like in a cool way (if you know what I mean). Class today actually flew by really fast, I was surprised when the bell rang for dismissal. Hopefully it’s like that tomorrow because this “it’s not up for debate” thing is killing me. (You would have to read my previous blog to understand ;)) Anyways, I just woke up from my sleep at 4:30 to write this. It may not be the best but, this is what I go

My Reflection (: | ;)

 Today’s class was very boring. We took a diagnostic test and graded it. As we were grading each other’s paper we went over the process of elimination. We told the teacher what the correct answer was then the two completely wrong answers. The class also got yelled at for asking simple questions again today. Somebody ask how he wanted the paper to be headed and it turned into this whole big unnecessary thing. AGAIN! I feel we’re just starting to agree with everything he says even if we disagree because we don’t feel like dealing with a lecture at every little inconvenience. I guess our class is to opinionated and ask to many questions? I’m not sure. I’m just going to stay quiet in his class until I'm called on. That’s my reflection! Oh and… I got 100% on that diagnostic:D. To bad that test doesn’t count for an actual grade :( 

My Introduction ;)

 Hii, my name is Natalya. I am a 11th grader at cedar grove high school and I’m currently in Mr. Rease’s AP class. I already feel like this class is going to be a mess because he constantly gets angry with us everyday. At the moment I like to watch anime’s and k-dramas. I’ve never really been a bookworm but I like poetry books. This year my expectations for class this year are not very high I’ll probably just come out of it knowing how to write a good essay. I may come out with new friends too. I really hope I do have a good year though, right now it looks kind of bleak, but I’ll persevere.  Slams clipboard “It’s not up for debate” - Mr.Rease