
Showing posts from January, 2022

Allusion and Analogy Reflection

 Today we did an assignment in class on Allusions and Analogy. I still find analogy kind of confusing because it just seems like a form of a simile. If you put on a test analogy and simile I would be very lost and confused as to which is which. I think allusion is fairly easy, its like a name drop. It's comparing people or things to well- known or people that go along with the ethics of your comparison. Besides the work, the people I worked with and I had a lot of fun. 

Closed on Sunday- SPACECAT Reflection

 This is my SPACECAT assignment for the song Closed on Sunday by Kanye West…

“<=>” reflection

 Today we didn’t do anything in class but talk. Me and my friends played never have I ever and talked about our love language. Mia is the purest out of the group cause she had her fingers up for most of the game. We went to a assembly in the cafeteria. Mia and I made a game called, it doesn’t have a name but imma call it “<=>”. I named it this because it’s a game where you pick a word or thing and than you put another word next to it and decide weathers it greater than, equal to, or less than the otherword. That’s all we did in class.

Jr conference reflection

 Today’s class for me was cut short. We started on the space cat activity which is something like the SOAPSTone assignment. I went and picked my schedule at my meeting. They put me in British lit, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about that. I also did economics and calculus. I’m not sure if I even selected any Ap classes now that I think about it. I did select a cosmetology or barbering class to do at another facility. I hope I get the opportunity to do cosmetology but barbering is cool too, you can bring in a lot of money that way. I found out I have 20.00 credits so all I need is 4 more to graduate. I can accumulate those this year. That’s all that happened. Next year doesn’t seem to bad.

Does this still count reflection

 Today’s class was soooo boring. I spent most of the class trying not to fall asleep. I was trying so hard to focus and pay attention because but I don’t think I know exactly the point of what we’re doing. I just want to go home and sleep but I can’t because I have a test to finish after school and tutorial. Spanish is kicking my bu- ta. I’m going to try to get the concept of what we’re doing in class class. Hopefully this blog still counts I started writing it in class, but I for got to finish :(

Free Class Reflection

 Today in we talked about random things. The teacher came over while some girls and I were talking about gender, sex and sexuality. She was trying to understand it but it is very difficult to understand. I don't even really understand it all but I try to respect everyone. My friends were talking about when we first meet each other. It was a pretty good conversation because we talked about first impressions. We also compared music taste, I don't really like rap so one of the persons music I was listening to wasn't giving. Its not really much to say, that's all we did.

Home reflection

 I didn’t make it to school today. The first reason was that I woke up at 7:30 and that’s  around when the bus comes. The second reason is that I heard there was going to be some tension at school. My friend said that people on her bus were “talking crazy” so I just decided to stay home. I missed a test I had in first period which is unfortunate but now I have more time to prepare. I don’t really understand my second period. Spain is his really difficult, so I kind of wish I went. My third period learns something new every day. I didn’t really even understand the assignment we were doing the day before. And last period SHOULD be easy but… I’m not sure. That’s basically everything.

Two paragraphs reflection

 Todays class started with a assignment that was made to help us write our two paragraph. I don’t really think it helped. It still took me the whole class to finish that assignment. I think I did a good job, I’m not really that sure. I did use litotes, antithesis, rhetorical question, simile and hyperbole in my two paragraphs. I forgot to turn in when I was at school but I did get it turned in. Mr. Rease read my paragraphs so if I don’t get full credit I might cry. That’s really all that happened in class today, it was pretty easy.

Don’t Do Drug reflection

 In class we read a song by Tupac called Resist the Temptation. This song is about how drugs messes up your life. I really liked the poem/ song, I think it really got its point across. We then had a fire drill, which is not important. After we finished the poem we listened to the actually song. I didn’t really like the song that much, which is weird because I did enjoy the poem. 

Rhetoric reflection

 Our class started with a Infinite campus check, where we checked our grade and filled out a survey. I feel kind of bad because I already have a 90% for missing two blogs. :( I wish I could have retained my 100 but I’ll just have to try harder. After that we went over the rhetoric devices; metaphor and analogy. Metaphor is something I learned when I was younger so it’s easier to understand. Analogy is very difficult right now; hopeful I get it later. 

Rhetorical group reflection

 Today in class we were put in groups to do a rhetoric assignment. The topic we got was 33. Should children go to preschool and we had to use 3 different rhetoric devices to answer the question. My group you antithesis, hyperbole, a rhetoric question. The class was pretty easy today, I do have to study for that test tho cause I don’t know ever word by heart. Class was kind of fun today. Finally -_-

Martin Reflection

 Today in class we listened to the the I Have A Dream Speech by Martin Luther king. We listened to the speech to find literary devices. Later in the year we are going to have to learn to do a rhetorical essay and we will need to know all the things that we are learning now. It kind of confusing to be honest. We were just introduced to diction and syntax so I have to get a grasp of that fast, quick, and in a hurry. Another thing you should know is this class is very boring so umm… you should spice it up -_-, just saying. (I guess I forgot to click submit this day, but I hope it still counts)

Welcome back to Rhetoric Reflection

 Today in class we learned about 5 different types of rhetoric. We when over hyperbole which is an exaggerated statement mostly used to get a point across. The next was understatement, which I already use a lot in my every day life. The definition I wrote down had something to do with "less" but I think of it as down playing something. We learned Hypochondria, which is asking something and then answering that question. Then we learned about litotes, which doesn't sound at all how it's spelled. This has to do with emphasizing something using it's opposite. For example for "good" you would say something like "not bad". The last word we went over was antithesis which is like having word be opposite to contrast to another word like "God gives life as God may also take it away." I guess learning about this was entertaining to say the least. I glad we started our class of on a good foot. I use all of these rhetoric in my everyday life so I