Welcome back to Rhetoric Reflection

 Today in class we learned about 5 different types of rhetoric. We when over hyperbole which is an exaggerated statement mostly used to get a point across. The next was understatement, which I already use a lot in my every day life. The definition I wrote down had something to do with "less" but I think of it as down playing something. We learned Hypochondria, which is asking something and then answering that question. Then we learned about litotes, which doesn't sound at all how it's spelled. This has to do with emphasizing something using it's opposite. For example for "good" you would say something like "not bad". The last word we went over was antithesis which is like having word be opposite to contrast to another word like "God gives life as God may also take it away." I guess learning about this was entertaining to say the least. I glad we started our class of on a good foot. I use all of these rhetoric in my everyday life so I guess it's good to be able to put a name to a face XD.


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