
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflection Rant: What do I prioritize?

 Today in class we received a project for a synthesis essay. I'm still not really sure how the project works but it will become more clear as we go along. I don't mind the topic my group got but I kind of wish we had got Sex education or parenting styles. This project seems like its going to be very informative and useful for the future so I'm not complaining. Considering my grades are looking "not that great" I'm really having a blast in life. Usually I would be very depressed about it but I'm not. This kinda scares me because if I'm not worried about my grades, my grades will keep slipping. My grades use to be my main priority now I don't even know what that is anymore. What is my main priority in life now that it's not my grades? It could be communication, feeling comfortable, or making new friends. I'm really not sure. I guess I gave myself something to think about. I feel like I'm just ranting sooooo... this is going to be the end

Hope to the gods, this blog still counts reflection

 So, it’s 7 in the morning and I’m still at home getting ready and remembered I need to do a reflection for this class. In class today (yesterday >~<!) we went over analyzing. We analyzed different pictures and tried to break apart what’s going on in the image. It was one of our easier lessons. But I also went to to coronation after school it was really an experience 0o0. People showed their talents and read poems and made speeches. And all the beautiful ladies with there dresses on were STUNNINGGGG!!!! I had a really good time :))

I Actually came back the next day reflection

 In class we read a poem by Emily Dickson about letting your mind slip away. There was this part of the poem where she mentioned that her brain was going numb that I wanted to strike a conversation about but I decided not to. But a PHYSICAL example was brought up to describe the FEELING you have being numb. Anyway, I really liked the poem and the figurative language used in it. It was very interesting to read how she didn't even seem at any point to stop herself from fading away. 

Long time, No see Reflection

 In class today we took a benchmark, where we wrote an argumentative essay. I know I tried my best on the essay, but i don't really think I did a fantastic job. For my second point I could only get one evidence piece and reasoning instead of two. Also i'm not really sure if I did a good job on explaining my evidence or if my evidence was even evidence :(( My grade in this class is also not the best either. I'm not really sure how to improve it. I kind of just feel stuck, but I know that If i started to remember to do my blogs that would get the ball rolling to get my grade up. I'm really stressed when I think about it but I'm going to get my stuff together. ;D

Reflection 6l9

Today in class we read a poem called "out out".  I forgot to post blogs for the last three days i was out >_<. I also missed a benchmark in this CLAASSSS!!! At this point, I feel like dropping out of school. I really HAVE to study for this benchmark because I feel I might fail. The rest of my day was great though. I arrived home and took a really good nap. When I woke up I started getting to work on my math and history. All in all my day was pretty good. I have zero complaints. ;) 


 Today we did a review of the work that we did during the week. Tomorrow we have to write an paragraph using all the skills that we mastered. We also had a discussion regarding sex in class as well. I kind of felt bad after because it was slightly disrupting, but I was just really passionate about the topic. Mr. Rease was using HIS religion as points to back up SOMEONE ELSE statement. “Sex occurs after you’re  married”and saying that ”sex is used to reproduce ” which isn’t a lie, but let be honest here, that’s not all it for. If that was the case there would be so many ways to prevent pregnancy. We have condoms, the patch, IUD, shots, female condoms, birth control, it’s not a type of operation anymore, but even getting your tubes tided. I’m just saying -_-

A late but not late reflection

 Today’s class was VERY good:D. We started of with a kahoot of random questions and the last 15-10 minutes of class he let us talk it up. My chromebook AND my phone were dead by the time I even got to his class. That was unfortunate because that kahoot actually seemed fun;(. So I couldn’t participate in class as much as I wanted to. We went over thesis class: umbrella and 3point. They were easy to understand. I am waiting for the moment we walk and have to do a surprise essay and all the sudden all the stuff I memorized I forget though>-< 

Whew, almost late
