Reflection Rant: What do I prioritize?

 Today in class we received a project for a synthesis essay. I'm still not really sure how the project works but it will become more clear as we go along. I don't mind the topic my group got but I kind of wish we had got Sex education or parenting styles. This project seems like its going to be very informative and useful for the future so I'm not complaining. Considering my grades are looking "not that great" I'm really having a blast in life. Usually I would be very depressed about it but I'm not. This kinda scares me because if I'm not worried about my grades, my grades will keep slipping. My grades use to be my main priority now I don't even know what that is anymore. What is my main priority in life now that it's not my grades? It could be communication, feeling comfortable, or making new friends. I'm really not sure. I guess I gave myself something to think about. I feel like I'm just ranting sooooo... this is going to be the end of the blog.


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