
Showing posts from April, 2022

Tested out reflection

 I feel like today could have been way worse. I am tested out today. I wrote essays in my first and third period and I'm just tired of it. I'm glad Mr. Rease didn't make us write that essay today. Other than that today was pretty cool. My day was alright.

Real Occurrence reflection

 Today was very hectic. We were in the middle of taking an AP mock and there was a fire drill. Well, not really a drill.  This was a real occurrence but , technically there was no fire. There was just smoke. I think I did pretty well on the test. Your class was alright. 

Highly Recommend reflection

 Today I went to the doctor for a check up. I'm so glad I didn't have to take any shots. Afterwards, me and  my mother went to the Longhorns. I got the seasoned grilled chicken with broccoli and mashed potatoes (Highly recommend). We sat outside and ate and talked about stuff going on in our life. That's all I did for today.  

The monthly kind reflection

 Today, I didn't come to school because I was in really bad abdominal pain (the monthly kind). I got dressed and all to come to school then suddenly I just wasn't feeling good. I stayed home all and didn't do anything. I barely even ate because I was in so much pain. I'm surprised I didn't overdose given all the Tylenol I was taking. I won't be at school tomorrow because I have a doctors appointment. 

-_- reflection

 Today, we answered questions in class. I answer the questions that I can because I could always use extra points. I had a good time in class, it was chill. We spun a wheel at the end of class to see who would get homework. The homework assignment turned out to be that you didn't have to do any blogs for the rest of the week. Guess who didn't get selected. -_- 

Accountability reflection

Today, we did the rest of the claims for the assignment from yesterday. Most of the other students assignments lean toward social media being able to affect your future. In the real world I do think that it should affect your future because you should be respectful on the internet. I think there are a lot of bad people that say crazy things on the internet and need to take accountability. I don't really have much else to say. Toodless!!

Future reflection

Today we all read different sources and picked a position on a topic. The discussion at hand was about if social media should determine your future. My source leaned more towards not letting it effect your future. Were put into a group and told to make 3 claims each. Later you would present the claims to the class and they would write them down for a grade. The assignment was pretty easy once I understood the assignment this was a very easy assignment.

First period reflection

Today in class, I got lots of work done in the first period. I did lots of work for my period 9 folder. In your class we answered questions. Myriel asked the class questions and we got points for answering. I don't really have much more to say. I think I got a good 40 points today answering questions.

Universe reflection

Today in class I had so many questions. I'm very confused on how Mr. Rease knows everything about national and federal debt, it's crazy. We watched a video watching how small the earth is compared to the rest of the universe. We answer a prompt about the human race and the universe. The prompt was kind of difficult to understand and write about. Our reasoning for the research ethically and financially was hard to explain. All in all class was okay. :)

phone addiction reflection

Today we watched a video on the use of phones. We watched a video that showed how people are basically addicted to their phones. When we were done watching the video we answered a few questions to learn to write free response questions. I think the assignment was pretty easy and I didn't have much of a hard time comprehending the assignment. I think today was fun and easy.

not much to say reflection

Today I had an okay day. I'm excited for the weekend. We read a passage and answered multiple choice questions. The questions were not hard, i think i have a good understanding of how to do multiple choice questions. I feel pretty confident on how to answer questions. I don't really have much more to say, so that's it.

Help!!! Reflection

I need help with essays. I have an issue of keeping time and I’m not a very fast reader. I need to read a passage multiple times to comprehend a passage and answer questions and I don’t have the time for that when it comes to the actual time of the test.I don’t have issues eliminating answers that are incorrect or picking the correct answer, but comprehending is hard when it comes to some passages. I don’t really think you can help with that much, that’s kind of on me.

I kind of had fun reflection

 Today in class we worked on multiple choice questions. we read a passage and answered multiple choice questions to get a grasp of the concept for the AP exam. The first thing we were told to do is eliminate three answers that were absolutely not the answer. Then we choose between the other two answers to decide an answer. I got all the questions correct but i do have trouble keeping up with time when it comes to test, especially essays. That is all we did in this class, I kind of had fun.

Playing Games reflection

 Today you weren't here to day so we went to another teacher class, whom I don't remember the name of. I had a good time in class. We played crazy8s and another who is mostly likely to. I wish I got work done for other classes but i was having too much fun with the class. I don't really have too much to say else, but I had a great time playing games today with everyone.

-_-! Reflection

 Today we read three poems. My favorite was “This Is Just To Say”, because it was the more fun one out of the bunch. We also took a test in order to work on multiple choice. I got a 44.4% which is not good, but at least it’s not going in the grade book. I’m ready to go home and rest up. I do have math work to do which sucks but, you got do what you gotta do! I also have a lot of history work to do. -_-!

Restful break reflection

 Today we aren’t coming to your class, but if you give our snacks away imma be real mad. We worked for them snack so please keep them safe because I will cry. I’ve been in math class all day, which is unfortunate. Since I got to high-school I have disliked math, it not what it use to be. I’m am just ready to have a restful break.