
Showing posts from November, 2021

RockPile reflection

 Today in class we read rock pile. It was about an incident that happened at a rock pile with Gabriel’s son Roy that other got blamed for. The mother and her son John were treated badly because Roy was Gabriel’s biological son and John was not. I liked the story it was easy to understand and I like the language they used. I think this also shows how people are treated differently because of who they are.

Holiday reflection

 Today i missed school because I was riding back home from South Carolina. I went there for the holidays for the whole week and spent time with my family. Unfortunately I didn’t complete any work because it seemed like ever second we were spending time together and I only see them occasionally so I didn’t want to waste that time doing work. Hopefully I can still pull my grades up, I’m literally praying to god about it ;D

Fun class reflection

 We had a substitute in class today and she was very nice and chill. She honestly let us go what ever we wanted. Our group finished our sources for the project. All the assignments that I has to complete for this class I finished. I need to do a little more work for my math and history, to be where I want to be at. I’ve been asleep since I got home, but I know I had to get my blog done. I had a lot of fun in your class yesterday.

Project reflection

 In class today we are suppose to pick our sources for our synthesis project. My group and I already have three sources for our project. I feel the topic we received was really hard to research and find positive opinion about. I think that having the parenting or sexual education prompt would be better/ easier. The group I'm in is fun though so, i can't complain. I can't wait for thanksgiving break and to hangout with my family, and NOT GO TO WORK! Only 2 more days :))

Schedule reflection

Today in class we went to the gym to pick our classes for next semester. We didn’t get to stay long because a fight happened in the gym. When we got back to class, Mr. Rease put the QR code on the board so we could finish the picking out classes for next year. I also got to see my schedule for next semester and they gave me Spainsh 2, which was something I definitely needed to pass junior year. I also need to get early childhood education on my schedule to get my pathway completed. I just want to graduate on time and do what makes me happy after college. 

Sleepy reflection

 Today's class was very boring and i almost fell asleep a couple of times. I worked From 8 to 7 yesterday so i was kind of out of it. I have been sleepy all day. I haven't started the 2 paragraphs for homework yet due to procrastination, but I'm going to get it done. I don't really have much to say but that I am super tired and exhausted. I'm going to go finish those two paragraphs now. 

Essay reflection

 Today we finished the easy potion of the test. I was expecting it to argumentative, but it was informational. I kind of forgot how to write those, but I improvised. Hopefully I get a good grade on that. I was confident it in never the less. I did have trouble writing though. I would have really long pauses where I would blank out but I still got it done and edited the best that I could. 


 We took a benchmark in class today and I didn’t finish one of the paragraphs I was suppose to right. Think I did pretty good on the other two tho. I’m kinda scared I’m going to fail this class, which is very disappointing. The last class I fail was in the 5th grade math and she bumped my grade up to a C by the end of the year so I could go to middle school. I’m very stressed with all this work, my actual job and keeping up with my social life. I think it could be worse so I try not to cry about it, but it’s just hard.

A reflection : (

 Today in class we went over sources for a prompt. Class was kind of boring so I almost fell asleep a couple of times. My eyes were also really sensitive in class today from the light so that made it even worse. Every-time I walk into this school building it just makes me want to go home. School will forever be the most depressing place on earth (to me.) I can't catch up to save my life. Every-time I think I'm doing good in one class my grade goes down in another. At this point I think I'm failing every class (yea for me!) Anyway that's it, bye.

Productive reflection

 In class I started my annotated bibliography and read a bit of the book, “wild”. I was trying to stay focus so I listened to rain for the whole class period. I didn’t get much of my bibliography done but I did started and I’m determined to finish. My grades in all my classes are improving so, I feel great about that. I have a few more make up assignments and project to do before I can get completely across the board all A’s, but I’m going to put the work in:)

A Nice Reflection p.2

Today we took a quiz on the chapter we read over the weekend. I thought the test was going to be more particular like the one before but it was very broad. We started reading part three of the book were reading in class “wild”. I didn’t get to read but I enjoyed filling in each word for everyone else. Today’s class was nice.